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Hi, I am Ayodya Banuka,

Software Engineer
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About me
About me
Years of
Hello! I'm a Senior Software Engineer at Macro Labs with a BSc. (Hons) in Information Technology, specializing in Software Engineering. With 3 years of hands-on experience in NextJS and Flutter, I've developed high-performance web applications and sleek mobile apps. My full stack expertise includes React, NextJs, NestJS, and NodeJS, enabling me to deliver comprehensive solutions.
I'm a proactive learner and innovative thinker, always eager to embrace new technologies and methodologies. With a keen eye for design and user experience, I'm committed to driving impactful results and contributing positively to any team or project. Let's connect and explore new frontiers in the tech landscape together!
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What I Know
What I Know
Expert Design and Development Services
specialize in crafting stunning websites and robust digital solutions. From initial design to full-scale development, our services are designed to meet your unique needs. Explore how we can elevate your online presence with our comprehensive web design and development offerings.
Web Development & Deployment
Transform your digital presence with our comprehensive web development services. From crafting responsive, user-friendly websites to ensuring seamless deployments, we cover every aspect to elevate your online platform. Whether you're a startup or an established business, our solutions are tailored to meet your specific needs, ensuring optimal performance and scalability.
Mobile Development
Stay ahead in the mobile-first world with our top-notch mobile development services. We specialize in creating intuitive and robust mobile applications for both iOS and Android platforms. Our team leverages the latest technologies to deliver apps that offer exceptional user experiences, ensuring your brand reaches customers wherever they are.
UI/UX Designing
Enhance user satisfaction and engagement with our expert UI/UX design services. We focus on creating intuitive, aesthetically pleasing interfaces that provide a seamless user experience. Our design process is user-centric, ensuring that every interaction with your product is meaningful and enjoyable, ultimately driving customer loyalty and business success.
Graphic Designing
Bring your brand to life with our creative graphic design services. From logos and branding to marketing materials and social media graphics, we deliver visually compelling designs that capture your brand's essence. Our designs are not only attractive but also strategically crafted to communicate your message effectively and leave a lasting impression.
What my clients get?
Check out the below to see if we have what you're looking for!
Free estimation
Free project estimation and deep understanding of your needs before the project starts – this is the first saving you get working in cooperation with AB
On budget, on-time
Work done in accordance with specifications, within budget, and on time. Always predictable and stable cooperation.
High-quality products
We'll make you a fully professional app, written with modern technology, that has no bugs, and optimized performance, so you will be able to develop and use it for years.
Lets build yours together
Ready to turn your vision into a reality? Partner with us to create a stunning website or a cutting-edge mobile app that stands out. Whether you're launching a new venture or looking to revamp your digital presence, we're here to bring your ideas to life.

© Ayodya Banuka Fernando